FREE 5-day training Starting 27 May 2024 @ 1pm UK

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5-day free reactivity training for Border Collies

Reactivity training for Border Collies

Do you find yourself apologising to people, outside, because you're embarrassed by your Border Collie's reactions towards them, or their dogs?

Don't you wish that it could be different? 

This isn't the dog your signed up for, right?

Join my FREE 5-day training and discover how to transform exhausting days into fun adventures.


5 Days: Life-Changing Lessons.


The Human vs the Collie brain

What is reactivity? Where does it come from, and do our reactions, cause theirs?


Understanding Body Language

Learn what your Border Collie is telling you, long before any reaction happens.


The Mystery of Management

What is management, and how to use it, while training?


Reinforcement & Rewards

Understanding rewards-based training, what does your dog find reinforcing, and how to use them well.


Key Training Skills and Techniques

Learn the methods you need, to teach new behaviours, and help your Collie feel better about the world around them.

I'm Angie

After graduating with my degree in Business Management, in 2002, I got into financial services and IT training. I'd had dogs, all of my life, starting with my mum's Collie x Lab, Judy, and while I enjoyed my career, I never LOVED it.


Over the years, I kept saying I'd love to work with animals, but the time just never seemed right.  Then I got Bailey, my, now, 3 and a half-year-old, Lab x Lurcher (Border Collie in her dad), and Oskar (the baby, at just 2) and finally, Zac - my distinguished gentleman rescue dog, at 7 years old (now 8)...and the rest is quite literally history!  Oskar & Bailey were angels, as a  Then came adolescence, along with forgotten recall, chasing cars, nipping and herding things, and generally misbehaving in all the ways a Border Collie can!  This led me to finally study my Canine Behaviour & Training qualification, become the only Certified Control Unleashed Instructor, in Scotland, and dedicate my life to helping others with all things 'living with a collie'.

So, what about reactivity, then?

My training follows Leslie McDevitt's Control Unleashed principles, together with science-backed, positive reinforcement based training.  These principles create a unique set of skills and behaviours to allow dogs to feel more relaxed, in any situation.

Don't take my word for it!

""After three months membership at Happy Herder I have a better trained collie who is progressing leaps and bounds and the secret is Angela Brown's down to earth, honest style. Easy to listen to and learn from, Angela Brown has the same approach with our dogs as she has with her own and admits there is no such thing as the perfect dog. Refreshing honesty in the dog training world!“"

- Sidney & Breagh

Get Your Training Back On Track

Join me for 5-days that will change your life. You’ll learn how to leave your reactivity struggles behind and create a solid foundation, to build on, for a fantastic future with your Border Collie.

Save your spot today.